
Detox Headache

You might be wondering what detox is. A detoxification diet is an example of detox and is useful in eliminating toxins found in the body. It starts with a failure to take food and enough water. It proceeds gradually to having a diet that includes water, vegetable juices, vegetables, raw fruits, and fresh fruits, to name a few. It comes a time when you will have to include natural supplements and herbs in your diet.

Detoxes play a significant role in eliminating items like refined sugar, nicotine, and caffeine from your diet. Managing detox diets is easier. There are also detox programs that are supervised medically, and such cases include opiates and alcohol cases.

Detox Headache

Frequent headaches are a major health complication for anyone taking part in a detox. The major cause of detox headache is a failure to give your body certain things they are used to. For instance, caffeine, tea, and many more.

Detox headache causes stress and tension, which release energy, release toxins that affect your circulation system and reduce circulating hormones. Other detox symptoms include hunger pangs, general body weakness, fainting, and dehydration, to name a few. Detox symptoms are also referred to as healing crises, healing reactions, or cleansing reactions.

What Are the Natural Remedies for a Detox Headache?

Elimination of detox headaches depends on the nature and type of detox. Here are some techniques to help you eliminate detox headache:

Showering and Bathing

Taking a warm shower is integral in washing away toxins. To close skin pores and stretch your skin, take a cool shower. Eliminate toxins from your skin by considering the time in the sauna and then take a shower. When soaking, ensure the water is warm and not hot.


Health experts also recommend meditation as a way to help relieve you from detox headaches. It reduces stress, increases the supply of oxygen to your brain, and gives your central nervous system a relaxing effect. These are some of the natural remedies for a detox headache


Breathing is another natural way to help eliminate detox headaches. Breathe gradually to remove toxins in your body. Slow and long breathing helps in relaxing your body. This is integral in healing headaches.

Take Fluids

Lack of enough water in the body results in headaches. Take a lot and enough water to help keep your body always hydrated. Water helps in eliminating toxins and eliminates cases of headache. Some of the best drinking fluids to take include herbal teas with no caffeine content and fresh juices.

The natural drinks should have no sugar additives, should not be pasteurized, and should also have no preservatives. The best herbal teas to take include green tea, chamomile, peppermint, and ginger.

Essential Oils

The following oils are a good remedy to detox headaches. Peppermint natural oil soothes the contraction of muscles and stimulates blood flow hence curing detox headache. This is achieved by massaging the oil at the back of your neck, on the temples, or your forehead. Lavender oil serves as a mood stabilizer and also sedative.

It helps in the treatment of headaches by inhalation. Inhalation is the most recommended and appropriate way to use Lavender oil.


Herbs also help relieve you from detox headaches. Examples of herbs suitable for headache relief include bacopa, licorice, Siberian ginseng, ginkgo, and St John’s Worth. You can also use coenzyme Q10, butterbur, and feverfew.